What is Your Superpower?

Dr. Becky Lang


What is your Superpower?

“What is your superpower?” That was the question and reflection from Beth, my yoga instructor yesterday.   At each yoga class, the instructor provides an intention, a thought, a reflection, and poses a question for the day.  “What is your superpower” was a fitting question the week of Halloween.  

I have never been much of a person who goes all out at Halloween.  I love fall and everything that it represents:  pumpkins, the changing color of the leaves, fall hikes, crisp apples, fresh air to breathe, and apple cider.  Trick or treat and dressing up in costumes was never my love.

However, envisioning being and having a superpower is something that does resonate for me.  I can picture dressing up with a cape or a Wonder Woman outfit.  I believe we all do have a superpower, a gift we have been given.  We might not know what it is, but our friends, coworkers and family members could tell us.

Pastor Jonathon Palmer, from Summitcreek Church once stated in a sermon that “Everyone is a 10 in something.”  That was such a powerful statement that I wrote it down right then and there.  Everyone is a 10 in something.  It is so true.

What is your superpower, your gift, your 10?

Maybe it is:

Being a team player

Great listener

Being a hard worker


Having Grit

Having the art of hospitality

Being a teacher

Strong writer

Being a great friend


Detail oriented

Having a caring heart

What is your superpower?

Along with dressing up, listening to jokes and handing out candy this week, think of your Superpower.  Think of the gifts you bring to your home, your work, your community and to the world.  It is needed.  Wear it proudly.  

Happy Fall.

Live.  Intention. Wellbeing

Dr. Becky Lang



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If you know of others, perhaps your leadership team or a friend, who would be interested in learning more or receiving this and other blog posts, please feel free to forward to those individuals.

If you are interested in bringing me to your organization for a refresh training or coming to a public training, I’d love to hear from you. Send me a comment or email at beckylang@icloud.com.

If you want to follow me on Facebook go to LifeStrategies.