Reflect and Move Forward

Dr. Becky Lang

October 21 2019

It is time to reflect and move forward. What lessons did you learn from the summer and early fall?  What were your key take aways?  When I taught at the university, I always asked students their “key take always” from a class, what they read, and what they had learned.  As I continue to facilitate trainings on patient-centered conversation, and motivational interviewing I like to ask the participants what they took away that they can use in their own situation. With that in mind, I’d like to ask YOU, what were your key take aways from the past few months?

For me, here are my key take aways… not necessarily in any order

1.      Listen to your body.  Sometimes you are ready to go on a bike ride, go to the gym, go for a walk and sometimes your body needs to rest, to sleep in, to sit outside in a recliner outside and enjoy the summer sounds. There are times my body says no because it wants to be lazy, other times I really need to listen.  What about you?

2.     When you get invited to take a week and hike in Colorado with girlfriends 10 months prior, say yes (or other invitations you might receive).  I said “yes” to activities and people I enjoy being with months prior to these activities.  When the time came, it was such a great get away and many memories were made.  What are the activities, events and people you enjoy doing them with?  Say yes when invited.  If you have not been invited, then start planning and inviting!

3.     Savor…savor the sunsets, sunrises, cloud formations, sounds,  birds visiting like the Goldfinch or the hummingbird.  Savor the dinners, morning deck coffees. Savor a slower pace, perhaps, conversation with a friend, a family member…Savor

4.     Enjoy the fresh produce.  Plant it.  Buy it. Eat it.  However you get the fresh produce, pack your refrigerator and plate full of this delicious bounty. So much better than buying blueberries in February from South America.  Which, if you are wondering, I have.  I purchased blueberries in February, looked at the carton and realized they were shipped from Chile.   There are better ways.

5.     Think of the months ahead and plan for what activities, travel, events you may want to say “yes” to.

6.     Keep reading, listening to podcast, taking a class; keep learning.

7.     Add more physical activity into your day.  Soon it will be dark and cooler with shorter days to get outside.  Enjoy it now while one can.

8.     Make sure you have “open space” in your day, week and month.  Open space to be available for what may not on your “schedule”.  When you have a very tight schedule due to work situations, often the case when working in health care, think how you may need to make your time outside of work more flexible.

9.     Do those things that fill you up mind, body and soul.

10.  Keep your spiritual practice.  Keep feeding your soul.  Whatever that means to you.  

What are the key take aways you will forward to the next three months?  What do you want to say on December 31?

If you know of others, perhaps your leadership team or a friend, who would be interested in learning more or receiving this and other blog posts, please feel free to forward to those individuals.  

If you want to follow me on Facebook go to LifeStrategies.

If you are interested in bringing me to your organization for a refresh training or coming to a public training, I'd love to hear from you.  Send me a comment or email at

Dr. Becky Lang

Live Best Life

If you know of others, perhaps your leadership team or a friend, who would be interested in learning more or receiving this and other blog posts, please feel free to forward to those individuals.

If you are interested in bringing me to your organization for a refresh training or coming to a public training, I’d love to hear from you. Send me a comment or email at

If you want to follow me on Facebook go to LifeStrategies.